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Are Manatees Endangered?

Molly Weinfurter

I adore manatees. I first learned about them as a kid when I was visiting Florida because there was a cartoon manatee on my kids menu at a restaurant. I’ve been obsessed with them ever since. Back then, I was told they were endangered, and that broke my heart. But are manatees endangered today? Let’s find out.

Close up of manatee swimming in blue water

Are Manatees Endangered?

According to the Federal Register, Florida manatees are threatened and Antillean manatees (West Indian manatees) are endangered. There are also African manatees, which are the least researched, so not a lot is known about them. Some sources claim they’re vulnerable, but the African manatee program says they’re the most endangered of all three species.

While it’s sad that all manatee species are at risk, there is some good news. The Florida manatee was listed as endangered until 2017, which is when the status switched to threatened due to an increase in population. They had been endangered since 1973, so this was a huge win for the species. 

Even though Florida manatees aren't currently endangered, it's still important to protect them. They're protected under the Endangered Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act. Humans are the biggest threat to manatees, so it’s important that we have regulations to keep them safe.

What Threats Do Manatees Face?

Even though manatee populations seem to be slightly better than before, their conservation status still isn’t stable. Manatees face a lot of threats, which could cause their population to suddenly decrease again if these factors aren’t properly managed.

Boat Collisions

Boats are the biggest threat to manatees. They mostly live in coastal waters where there’s a lot of boat traffic. Since the water is shallow and they’re often close to the surface, they can get seriously hurt if a boat hits them. They can get cut by the propellers, leading to long-term injuries or even death.

Sadly, a study from 2004 found that 97% of manatees have scars from boats. Boaters are encouraged to avoid manatees and follow the directions on “manatee zone” signs, but even with precautions in place, boat strikes still happen fairly often. In extreme cases, animal organizations may need to take injured manatees into their care to rehabilitate them.

Fishing Gear Entanglement

Boats aren’t the only human objects harming manatees. They can get tangled in discarded fishing wire and other trash, just like other marine animals like turtles. If the fishing gear gets tangled too tightly around manatee flippers and tails, it could cause amputation. If all trash was properly disposed of, manatees and other animals wouldn’t have to deal with these tragic situations.


Entanglement isn’t the only reason pollution is bad for wildlife. Pollution harms the growth of natural food sources, such as seagrass for manatees. It can also lead to dangerous algal blooms, which is another major threat for manatees.

Harmful Algal Blooms

Harmful algal blooms, such as red tide, can significantly decrease the manatee population. The microorganisms spread rapidly, poisoning manatees as they eat seagrass containing harmful algae. These blooms occur naturally in the water, but if we can reduce nutrient inputs, it might decrease the risk of these blooms.

Habitat Loss

Manatees thrive in tropical water. When the water temperature dips in the winter, they migrate to warmer waters to stay healthy. If they’re exposed to cold water for too long, they could lose body heat and have difficulties digesting their food.

Several factors are causing warm water refuge areas to disappear. When humans use aquifer water that goes to natural springs, it can limit the amount of warm water available to manatees in the springs. Power plants shutting down can also reduce warm water options because the power plants discharge warmer water for manatees. With fewer warm areas, manatees will struggle to find places to go when it’s cold out.

Climate Change

Like many other animals, manatees face struggles due to climate change. Climate change can lead to many environmental changes, such as higher water levels, less seagrass available, and more intense storms, which can kill and displace manatees.

Since climate change poses so many threats to our planet, it may be harder to focus on helping the manatees in the future. With so many environmental needs, there’s a chance that not as many resources will go towards helping these animals as needed.

Illegal Poaching

Even though it’s illegal, people still poach manatees for their fat, hide, and meat. While it’s not as common as the other threats, it still happens, especially for Antillean manatees. It’s heartbreaking to know that people intentionally harm this threatened species. Manatees don’t have any natural predators that share the same water as them, so humans are their biggest threats.

Human Interactions

As adorable as manatees are, it’s illegal to touch them. Touching them could startle them and stress them out, leading to injuries and illness. It’s also illegal to feed manatees since giving them something besides their natural diet could harm them. If you see a manatee while swimming, please keep a distance from them.

Manatee looking directly at the camera

How Can We Save Manatees?

Humans are the reason for many of the threats manatees face, so it’s up to us to make the world a better place for them. Here are some ways to help. Some might seem small, but if everyone makes an effort, huge improvements can be made.

Practice Safe Boating

Boaters should always keep a distance from manatees. Powerboats must remain at least 50 feet away from them. It’s best to avoid boating over shallow areas and seagrass beds whenever possible.

Keep an eye out for signs designating manatee protection zones. Signs may require boaters to move at slower speeds, avoid certain activities, or stay away from certain areas. Following these guidelines is the best way to ensure manatees stay safe.

Properly Dispose of Trash

Never throw your trash into the water, especially not fishing gear and plastic waste, which manatees can get tangled up in or ingest. You can also help remove existing trash from the water by volunteering for Coastal Cleanup projects.

Be Careful with Fertilizers

Certain fertilizers can feed harmful algae growth, which can make manatees ill. If you live near manatees, be mindful of the fertilizers you use.

Don’t Harass Manatees

If you see a manatee while swimming, don’t approach them, touch them, or feed them. It might seem tempting to get closer to these majestic creatures, but giving them space is the best way to keep them safe.

Report Injured Manatees

If you spot a sick or injured manatee, let the local authorities know. If the manatee’s condition is extreme enough, taking them into a sanctuary for rehabilitation is often the only way to save them.

Donate to Manatee Organizations

There are some animal organizations that are dedicated to helping the manatee population. Donate to these organizations, such as Save the Manatee, to support their conversation efforts.

Spread Awareness

Simply reminding people to give manatees space and follow manatee zone restrictions can help reduce the amount of harm from humans. You can even get car decals, Florida license plates, and other products with messages reminding people to be careful around manatees.

Baby manatee swimming with mom

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it Okay to Swim with Manatees?

It’s only okay to swim with manatees if you do so in their natural habitat and keep a distance from them. Crystal River, Florida is a great natural environment to swim with manatees, and you can take a tour to help you find them. I've swam near manatees in Crystal River before, and it's an amazing experience!

Where Do Manatees Live?

Manatees live in shallow, slow-moving water, typically in rivers, bays, canals, coastal areas, and estuaries. They’re found in tropical and subtropical waters near the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Amazon Basin, and West Africa.

Are There Any Extinct Manatee Species?

There was once a species known as the Steller's sea cow that is now extinct. These manatee-like creatures went extinct in 1768, which was only a decade after they were first documented.

Which Animal Species are the Most At Risk?

While manatees are at risk, they aren’t the most threatened species out there. Some of the rarest animal species include Vaquitas, Hainan Gibbons, and Sumatran Rhinos, which might become extinct if we’re not careful.

Manatees Are Still At Risk

Even though not all manatee species are considered endangered anymore, these beautiful animals are still in danger. Manatees are gentle creatures, so they face a lot of threats both from environmental factors and human interactions. If you’re ever near manatees, please be cautious around them and keep a distance to help keep them safe.

Resources for Pet Parents

  • Petfinder - Search for adoptable pets at shelters and rescues near you. You can narrow down your search settings based on breed, age, size, gender, etc.

  • Bailing Out Benji - Learn about puppy mills and their connection to puppy stores. On the site, you can see where puppy stores in each state source their puppies from. Contact Bailing Out Benji if you're interested in volunteer opportunities.

  • BringFido - Check out pet-friendly hotels, restaurants, and events in your area so you don't have to leave your dog behind on adventures.

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