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Molly Weinfurter

13 Lizards That Look Like Dragons

Dragons are my favorite mythical creatures, and while I know they’d be super dangerous in real life, I sometimes wish they were real. While there’s no evidence that dragons exist, there are lots of animals on this planet that resemble dragons. So, to help the world seem a little more magical, here’s a list of lizards that look like dragons.

Lizards That Look Like Dragons

Lizards are similar to dragons since they’re reptiles with arms, legs, and tails. Real-life lizards might not have wings or breathe fire, but there are lots of incredible lizard species that look a lot like a creature from a fantasy novel. The following lizard species resemble dragons in some way.

1. Common Flying Dragon

Not only is this a lizard that looks like a dragon, but it’s a lizard that looks like a dragon with wings. Well, sort of. Common flying dragons, also known as Draco lizards and Draco volans, have flat bodies and wing-like skin extensions. When they jump from a tree, they can pull out their skin flaps to glide to the next platform, similar to how a sugar glider glides. 

Since mythical dragons frequently have wings, common flying dragons are the closest you can get to a real dragon. Here’s a cool video of one of these lizards flying.

2. Komodo Dragon

Komodo dragon on the beach

Komodo dragons are another lizard species that has a shocking resemblance to dragons. They may not have any wings, but they’re the biggest lizard species on the planet. Since dragons are usually depicted as massive creatures, Komodo dragons are dragon-like without a doubt. They’re also one of the only venomous lizard species.

While these massive lizards may not have all the features of a dragon, a lot of their behaviors are surprisingly accurate to how dragons might act. They’re incredibly strong with impressive jaw muscles that allow them to swallow huge chunks of meat with ease. Despite their large size, Komodo dragons are fast, running up to 13 miles per hour.

3. Red-Eyed Crocodile Skink

Not all dragon-like lizards need to be huge. The red-eyed crocodile skink looks just like a baby dragon. Full-grown adults are only 8 to 10 inches long, so they remain in cute baby dragon mode for life. These lizards are distinguished by their dark scales, except for the patches around their eyes, which are orange or red.

These little lizards can be kept as pets, but I wouldn’t recommend it for most people. I wanted one for a while because I thought it would be a dream come true to have a baby dragon for a pet. However, they have some advanced care requirements and don’t like interacting with humans, so they’re only ideal for experienced lizard owners.

4. Plumed Basilisk

Plumed basilisk climbing tree

Plumed basilisks, also known as green basilisks, are one of the most beautiful lizards I’ve ever seen. Males have massive crests that look like fins, which I imagine is something a water dragon would have. 

To make these lizards even cooler, they can walk on water (sort of). They can run across water for about 50 feet while running away from a predator. They have extra flaps of skin on their feet to help with that. When these lizards are done running, they sink into the water. They can swim well and stay underwater for long periods, allowing them to get even further from predators once they stop running.

5. Frilled Lizard

As the name implies, frilled lizards, also known as frill-neck lizards, have unique frills on their necks. While your typical dragon might not have that appearance, it’s a feature that I imagine a unique dragon species could have. Most of the time, the frills are flat on the lizard’s neck, but when they sense danger, they can open the frills to look threatening to predators.

Similar to how the plumed basilisk runs on water, frilled lizards can run on their back legs on the ground to escape predators. They only do this for short periods until they reach the closest tree to climb up.

6. Philippine Sailfin Lizard

Philippine sailfin lizard on tree branch

This dragon looking lizard might not be as massive as a Komodo dragon, but it’s a large species that looks like a wingless dragon. Philippine sailfin lizards can grow as long as 3.5 to 4 feet long, and they can have unique frills on their tails and backs.

These lizards have a lot of similarities to plumed basilisks. When chased by a predator, they may also run on water with their hind legs for short distances. Their flattened toes and extra fringes help their feet float on the water like pontoons. They may also drop out of trees into the water below to avoid danger. 

7. Chinese Water Dragon

beautiful Chinese water dragon face up close

Chinese water dragons, also known as Asian water dragons and green water dragons, are dragon-like lizards that are frequently owned as pets. Like other exotic pets, they have unique care requirements and don’t love being handled frequently, so make sure you’re fully prepared before considering bringing one home.

Water is in the name because these lizards are strong swimmers. They may enter water to avoid predators because they can stay underwater for up to 25 minutes. These lizards have shimmery green scales, similar to the type of scales I would picture on a young dragon.

8. Armadillo Girdled Lizard

Somehow, this lizard looks like an armadillo and a dragon at the same time. They have a rough, spiky exterior that’s similar to an armadillo shell but with a scaly twist. When threatened, these lizards can curl up in a ball like an armadillo. They hold their tails in their mouths while doing so. This behavior protects their soft bellies while also allowing them to hide in small crevices.

These lizards are only about 3 to 4 inches long (not including their tail), so they’re another example of a real-life baby dragon. Their brown scales help them blend into the rocky, sandy terrain of their habitats.

9. Marine Iguana

marine iguanas on the beach

Marine iguanas aren’t your average iguana. They can grow over 4 feet long and they typically have dark gray, pink, and sometimes blue-green coloring. For some reason, they remind me of the giant dragon at the end of the first How to Train Your Dragon movie (I hope someone reading this knows what I’m talking about).

These lizards are the only marine lizards on this planet, making them perfect real-life water dragons. They only live on the Galapagos Islands, but they can swim in the water and dive up to 65 feet below the surface. While they usually only dive under for a few minutes, they’re capable of staying submerged for a half hour if needed.

10. Mexican Alligator Lizard

Mexican alligator lizards have gorgeous blue and/or green scales that are lined up so perfectly that they must be fairy tale creatures. Males usually have more vibrant scales than females, but both are majestic in their own way.

These lizards are arboreal, meaning they spend most of their lives up in the trees. More specifically, they typically live in rainforests about 130 feet above the ground. They even have a prehensile tail that they can use to grab things with as they climb through the treetops. Sadly, this dragon looking lizard species is currently endangered because of the destruction of rainforests.

11. Bearded Dragon

bearded dragon face up close

Since bearded dragons are such common pets, you might not think of them as dragon-like. However, dragon is right there in the name. The way their spiky scales stick out, especially around their “beard” area, seems like a trait a dragon would have. Plus, they’ve been around since dinosaurs existed, so it explains their unique look.

Bearded dragons typically have a wonderful temperament, and you may even be able to walk them on a leash. Yet, like with any pet, you need to make sure you’re prepared to care for them. Research their tank and diet requirements, and remember, they’re not a pet that should be handled as often as a dog or cat.

12. Crested Gecko

crested gecko resting on leaf

Crested geckos are another popular pet lizard that has some dragon-like features. They have smoother skin compared to most reptiles, but they have a cool spiky pattern around their eyes. If you look closely at their eyes, they also have a unique eye pattern with a slit for a pupil, which feels mythical too.

These lizards love climbing, so they need a vertical enclosure with lots of branches. They can use their sticky feet to grab onto things, but they also have a prehensile tail to help with climbing. They can drop their tails in self-defense, but they cannot grow them back like other lizard species. Luckily, not having a tail doesn’t affect their life too much, and many wild crested geckos don’t have tails.

13. Horned Lizard

Horned lizards have so many spikes on their body that they might not look like a lizard at first glance. That many horns and spikes could only belong to a dragon, right? Horned lizards may not be real dragons, but they have powers like one. Instead of breathing fire, horned lizards shoot blood from their eyes to deter predators.

However, these reptiles usually only shoot blood as a last resort. They have other methods of protection, such as a camouflaged appearance that helps them blend in with rocks and dirt. They can also puff their bodies to make themselves look bigger so predators that swallow their food whole won’t bother trying to catch them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Dragon Looking Lizards Be Kept as Pets?

Some dragon looking lizards can be kept as pets, but it may depend on where you live. Always check the pet laws in your area to make sure a certain pet is legal before you bring it home.

What is a Black Lizard That Looks Like a Dragon?

Red-eyed crocodile skinks are popular black lizards that look like baby dragons. Some monitor lizards may also look dragon-like with dark scales.

What is a Small Lizard That Looks Like a Dragon?

Red-eyed crocodile skinks, bearded dragons, and crested geckos are a few small lizard species that look like dragons. Because of their size, they are like baby dragons in real life.

Do Any Amphibians Look Like Dragons?

Amphibians might not have scales, claws, or wings like dragons, but some look surprisingly mythical and dragon-like. Axolotls, mudpuppies, sirens, and giant salamanders all resemble dragons in a way.

Reptiles That Look Like Dragons are Awesome

It’s no surprise that dragon looking lizards are amazing. All of the lizards listed above are as close to real-life dragons as we can get. While a few of them can be kept as pets, make sure you thoroughly do your research and prepare before bringing a new pet home. Looks shouldn’t be the only reason you get a pet. You should also be able to provide all the essential care that the animal needs

Resources for Pet Parents

  • Petfinder - Search for adoptable pets at shelters and rescues near you. You can narrow down your search settings based on breed, age, size, gender, etc.

  • Bailing Out Benji - Learn about puppy mills and their connection to puppy stores. On the site, you can see where puppy stores in each state source their puppies from. Contact Bailing Out Benji if you're interested in volunteer opportunities.

  • BringFido - Check out pet-friendly hotels, restaurants, and events in your area so you don't have to leave your dog behind on adventures.

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